
Recent technology has created porcelains that are much closer in strength to natural teeth than ever before. Full crowns are needed when an entire tooth has been damaged by fracture ore decay. For the ultimate in aesthetics, crowns can cover an entire tooth and rebuild it with all porcelain materials bonded to the tooth. There is no ugly metal line next to the gums, so they can be placed on front and side teeth that show when you smile. Long term success can be achieved with these materials when used in appropriate situations. Dr. Sundaresh has placed hundreds of all porcelain restorations over the past 15 years and can recommend the best material to restore your damaged teeth.

A crown fits over the entire top of the tooth above the gum line. Crowns cover, protect, seal and strengthen a tooth. A crown is needed when a filling just will not work.
There are many situations that may call for a crown:

Large decay.

If a tooth has decay so deep and large that a filling will not stay, or if the tooth structure is weakened, a crown must be placed on the tooth to save it.

Large old fillings.

When large old fillings break down, or get decay around them, they usually need to be crowned. It is important to crown a tooth that has been structurally weakened to prevent a cracked or broken tooth. Once a tooth breaks, it may not be possible to save it.

Cracked Tooth

. When a tooth is cracked, a filling will not seal the crack. A crown has to be placed over the tooth to hold it and the crack together. If a crown is not placed on the tooth, the tooth will become sensitive to chewing pressure, or will eventually break. It is important to crown a cracked tooth before it breaks, because in some cases a broken tooth cannot be crowned and must be extracted.

Broken/Fractured tooth

. A tooth that has broken is usually too weak to hold a filling. A crown will hold the tooth together and prevent it from breaking again. If the fracture involves the nerve, Root Canal Therapy may be required before the tooth is crowned. In some cases, a broken tooth cannot be saved and must be extracted.

This patient chose not to have the cracked tooth above crowned, and it later fractured. This tooth had to be extracted because it cracked all the way to the root.

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